+91-8096 121 121 support@hamarahosting.com
Information provided in the site in terms of content and images are for the knowledge and information of the visitors of the website. Before making any decision, the visitors should read the instructions and relevant information regarding our products and services.
Information published in our Hamara Hosting website, we ensure that it is the best of our knowledge. However, none of the information guarantees or represents any kind of liability on us and shall not prevent the user from undertaking his own investigations for any kind of further decision making.
It is to be mentioned here, Hamara Hosting do not promote any kind of linked sites, therefore, we are not responsible for any content or any material on them under any circumstance.
Hamara Hosting is no way responsible for any losses incurred by the users except for the amount paid for the services and the product we provide t the users. We disclaim any liability for any indirect, incidental, circuitous and consequential damages, that have been caused to the user in any connection with the use of this site.
Hamara Hosting commits to cooperate to any kind of legal proceedings or court orders that directs us to disclose the identity of any individual posting vague information on our site, if any. Any claim or legal suites associated with the site are governed in accordance with the laws of India.
If you have any question, regarding the use of the site, terms and conditions or about the services we provide, feel free to contact us.
+91-8096 121 121